A buyer’s inspection is an essential step in the home-buying process. Before closing on a property, buyers need to inspect the home inside and out so they can be sure everything is in good condition and any necessary repairs are addressed before signing on the dotted line. Here is a list of what happens during one of our buyer’s inspections:


1. Structural Evaluation – A thorough examination of the home’s structure will be performed to check for any signs of water damage, mold, foundation issues, or other structural problems. We will look at the essential elements of the construction, such as walls, floors, ceilings, foundations, and roofing. Our inspectors will evaluate how well these components are installed and maintained. We then check for signs of deterioration or unstable foundation that can lead to cracks or other potential problems. Other items of concern include water damage due to leaks and moisture intrusion, which can cause mold growth, rot, and decay. Our team should also check for any visible signs of window, door, or wall movement, which could indicate shifting foundations or settlement. Finally, ventilation systems like attics, basements, and crawlspaces are inspected to ensure proper airflow and ventilation throughout the structure.


2. Roof Inspection – During the roof inspection, we look for signs of damage, such as cracked or missing shingles, buckling and warping, standing water on the roof, moss growth, and other debris. Our inspector will also check for proper flashing around vents and pipes and ensure chimneys don’t have loose bricks. Our team will also look at the condition of gutter systems to ensure they are adequately draining away from your home. Finally, we will assess whether there is adequate insulation in your attic space to prevent heat loss during cold winter months. With all these factors considered, your inspector can determine if your roof needs repairs or replacement to protect it from further damage.


3. Plumbing and Electrical – Our inspector will check for various safety hazards during the plumbing and electrical portion. They will look for any signs of water damage, mold, or mildew caused by improper drainage or leaking pipes; they will also inspect the condition of all visible plumbing fixtures (sinks, toilets, showers, etc.), piping, and valves. Regarding electrical systems, our inspector will assess the condition of wiring, outlets, circuit breakers, and electric panels. Additionally, our inspector will check to make sure that any smoke detectors are installed correctly and functioning properly. Finally, they may also inspect gas lines and appliances as necessary. By ensuring that all elements are in proper working order before the purchase or sale of a property, our inspector can help identify potential hazards before it’s too late.


4. HVAC System – Our inspectors look for a wide range of things during an HVAC inspection. This includes checking the condition and proper functioning of the unit, looking for signs of leakage or corrosion, inspecting the filters, blower fan, and motors, ensuring that all safety features are in working order, examining ductwork for obstructions and leaks, testing thermostat accuracy, assessing energy efficiency levels by measuring amperage draw and voltage drop from the system components, and more


5. Windows & Doors – During an inspection of windows and doors, our inspector will check for any signs of damage or wear that could affect the structure’s integrity. They may also take measurements to ensure the opening is large enough to meet safety codes, as well as look for proper installation and weathertight seals around the window frames. Our team should also check the condition of hardware, such as locks and hinges, as well as any screens or storm doors attached to the windows. Finally, they should note any issues with paint or stain on window exteriors. With a thorough inspection of windows and doors completed by a certified professional, potential buyers can make an informed decision about the condition of their new home.


6. Pest Inspection – During a pest inspection, one of our inspectors will look for signs of termite activity and evidence of other pests that may be inhabiting the home. This includes looking for visible damage caused by termites or other insects, such as holes in the walls or ceilings. The inspector will also inspect around windows and doors to check for gaps or cracks where pests can enter the home. They may even inspect attic spaces and crawlspaces to make sure there are no signs of nesting or burrowing activity. In addition to checking for physical evidence, they’ll also use specialized tools like moisture meters and infrared cameras to detect hidden areas where pests could be hiding. If an infestation is found, our inspector will report their findings and recommend a solution, such as treatment or extermination.


7. Decks – When conducting a deck inspection, our experienced inspector looks for any structural problems or deficiencies in the construction of the deck. This includes checking for proper framing support, inspecting joist and beam connections, verifying guardrail and stair railings are in compliance with building codes, ensuring all fasteners are properly installed and secure, and checking for rot or decay in wood components. Our inspector will also inspect decks built on a ledger board attached to an existing home structure to ensure it is correctly installed according to industry standards. Finally, they will check for waterproofing material like flashing that is used around entries into the house from the deck. It is essential to have an experienced professional inspect decks prior to use to ensure safety and longevity.


Performing a thorough home inspection before settling on a property is an essential step in the home-buying process that all buyers should take. Having these items checked off will help you find any potential problems before signing on the dotted line and give you peace of mind knowing your investment is secure. With Skilled Inspection’s experienced team of professionals, you can trust that we have you covered when it comes to buyer inspections!


If you are in the market for a property, contact us today to learn more about how Skilled Inspections can help you make sure your potential new home is safe and sound. We look forward to helping you with all of your buyer inspection needs! Give us a call today at (918) 408-3652!