Termite inspections can be a complex and time-consuming process, but they are essential for identifying any infestations of termites. It is important to understand the details of a termite inspection to ensure it is completed correctly and that all potential issues are addressed. And at Skilled Inspections, we know that termite inspections can be daunting. That’s why we have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about our termite inspection services to help answer any queries you might have.


What does a termite inspection involve? A termite inspection typically involves an experienced pest control professional inspecting the property inside and outside for signs of past or current infestations. The technician will look at visible wooden components such as siding, trim, doors, windows, stairs, decks, fences, etc., in addition to checking around baseboards and other areas where wood may be exposed or vulnerable to damage caused by termites. They will also check inside walls, cabinets, cupboards, and other potential hiding spots.


What type of damage do termites cause? Termites can cause a variety of structural damage to a property if they are left unchecked. Termites feed on cellulose found in wood and can quickly eat through wooden components such as floor joists, studs, and support beams. They can also weaken the foundation of a home or building by burrowing underground and creating tunnels that compromise the strength and stability of the structure.


How often should I have a termite inspection done? It is recommended that homeowners have their properties inspected for termites at least once per year, particularly during warmer months when infestations are more likely to occur. Homeowners should be particularly vigilant if they live in areas where termites are known to exist and have had past issues with infestations.


What should I expect to find in a termite inspection report? A thorough and detailed termite inspection report will include the following information: an assessment of the current infestation, any active damage caused by termites, areas vulnerable to future infestations, recommendations for control measures (including physical barriers or chemical treatments), and estimates for repair costs. The inspector may also document moisture levels in the home, which is essential because dampness can attract termites. Additionally, any conducive conditions that could be corrected, such as water leaks or inadequate ventilation, will also be noted. Reports should also recommend how to reduce your risk of further infestations.


What if my property fails a termite inspection? If your property fails a termite inspection, it is essential to address the problem as soon as possible. Depending on the scope of the infestation and damage, you may need to hire a professional exterminator or contractor who can provide the necessary repairs. In some cases, there may be preventative treatments that are recommended, such as installing physical barriers or applying chemical treatments to help deter future infestations. The report should also provide recommendations for reducing your risk of further infestations. It is essential to follow these suggestions if you want to avoid future problems with termites.


What should I do after my property passes a termite inspection? After passing a termite inspection, it is still vital to protect your home from future infestations by making sure conducive conditions are not present. This includes reducing moisture levels around the house, eliminating wood-to-soil contact, and monitoring for termite activity. Additionally, be sure to have an annual inspection done in order to catch any new infestations early on. Following these steps can help ensure that your property remains safe and termite-free.


Do I need a separate termite inspection for each unit of a multi-unit building? Yes, it is recommended that each individual unit of a multi-unit building undergo its own inspection. This is because different units may have different vulnerabilities to pest infestations, and damage caused by these pests varies greatly between units. A single termite inspection report cannot provide sufficient information about all units in a multi-unit building. Therefore, it is recommended to have a separate termite inspection performed for each unit.


Are there any dangers associated with chemical treatments used during termite inspections? Yes, most chemical treatments used during termite inspections can be dangerous if not applied correctly or handled incorrectly. It is essential to follow the instructions included with any chemicals and only use approved products for termite control. Additionally, certain chemicals may require special protective gear when using them and should never be inhaled or ingested. As always, it is advisable to consult a professional exterminator or contractor before attempting any type of pest control treatment yourself.


How much does a termite inspection cost? The cost of a termite inspection from Skilled Inspections varies depending on the size of your property and any additional services requested. To get a free estimate, contact us today, and one of our team members will happily provide you with more information.


What other types of inspections does Skilled Inspections LLC offer? In addition to termite inspections, you can get several other types of inspections for your property. These include mold and fungus inspections, radon testing, asbestos testing, lead-based paint testing, and wood-destroying organism (WDO) inspections. All of these inspections can provide valuable information about the condition and safety of your home or business. It is essential to consult with a professional inspector if you have any questions or concerns about the type of inspection needed for your property.


By understanding the answers to these FAQs, you can ensure your property is protected from termite infestations. A thorough termite inspection report is essential for detecting any current or potential problems with your property. Additionally, it is necessary to take preventative measures such as reducing moisture levels around the home and monitoring for signs of activity in order to protect your property from future infestations. With a bit of knowledge and the right precautions in place, you can help ensure that your home or business remains safe from termites. For more information or to schedule an inspection, please contact Skilled Inspections at (918) 408-3652! We look forward to helping you protect your home or business from the damage caused by destructive pests!